Series Warping Machine

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Series Warping Machine

Serial Warping Machine

In serial warping yarns that transfer creel bobbins are wrapped to beams tangentially. The amount of warp bobbin that is wrapped to beam is equal to the creel capacity. Prepared beams are combined in order to reach the number of warps needed in weaving. Should the size application be performed, the beams would be loaded directly to the sizing machine and combined during the size application. This warp wrapping system is mostly used for warps that will be size applicated. The bobbin yarns that are transferred from the creel are wrapped to beam parallel and in even tension. The beams that are prepared in serial warping are combined to acquire the targeted warp string number. The machine consists of three parts. It can be observed that these parts are improved in technological ways and modernized.



Technical Specifications

The speed of the machine is 1000 meters per minute (stepless speed control)
Creel in order to the demanded number of beams
The mechanism is designed and produced with chrome plated shafts for the beam loading and movement process.
Equipped with dust cleaning mobile blower system.
Equipped with disconnected control mechanical sensor

1) Accordion Card System comber opening-closing, left-right movement
Distance adjusted transverse comb traversal system
Air blowing system; preventing fiber and dust accumulation in the combs.

2) PLC Operator Panel
PLC controlled electrical equipment systems
Touch screen operator panel where all systems can be controlled

3) Beam Printing System
Homogeneous yarn winding frequency with smooth and sensitive printing drum
Peripheral speed adjustment according to increasing diameter with electronic diameter measurement system

4) Beam loading-unloading and brake system
Disc brake system with caliper at 2 different points
Instant and secure stop in cases such as incompletion of the desired length- yarn breakage
-emergency stop-normal stop